
El Mirador: a coffee that pays homage to the land. On the highest point of our plantation we have made a small plaza from which to admire the view of the mountains opposite. In the absolute silence you can hear the roar of the waters of a small waterfall of the Rio Colorado River flowing downstream. On the left side, which is very steep but the only practicable one, coffee trees of the prized varieties-Catuai, Typica, Bourbon, Obata, Ihcafe90-have found a home, processed with the tecnical de semilavato with natural drying in greenhouses in the sun.


El Mirador: a coffee that pays homage to the land

On the highest point of our plantation we have made a small square from which to admire the view of the mountains opposite. In the absolute silence you can hear the roar of the waters of a small waterfall of the Rio Colorado River flowing downstream. On the left side, which is very steep but the only practicable one, coffee trees of the prized varieties-Catuai, Typica, Bourbon, Obata, Ihcafe90-have found a home: Catuai, Typica, Obata, and Ihcafe90, processed with the tecnical de semilavato with natural drying in greenhouses in the sun.

El Mirador: a socially responsible coffee

Our Morola El Mirador is grown in collaboration with the Cooperativa Las Capucas, of which we are a part, located in the Santa Rosa de Copán region of Honduras at an altitude between 1,000 and 1,300 m above sea level. Our Morola El Mirador fully expresses our concept of socially responsible coffee, as we know its history from the bean we planted to obtain the trees to the penultimate final link. We leave the pleasure of performing the last action to you: inserting the Morola El Mirador pod into your machine (we recommend a Vale or an Alise) to extract your fine espresso. In the cup you will find a medium body and silky on the palate with pleasant notes of Citrus accompanying the medium-high perception of acidity. Sweetness is revealed with the aromatic sensation of raw cane sugar. The bitterness is very slight and is that typical of cocoa.

El Mirador: the Specialty coffee of Morola Caffè Italiano Medaglia d’Oro 2020

This espresso represents the state of the art of Morola pods and is rightfully among the Specialty coffees. For this blend we can guarantee something unique and exclusive that very few others in the World can certify. In fact, we guarantee that we know the people and have instructed them to taste the final product prepared in espresso. We know the place of origin to the point of ownership. We know the botanical species of the trees with the utmost certainty thanks to DNA tests done through DNA Analytica, a spin-off of the University of Trieste. We can trust a trusted importer and, finally, we know how to apply the best roasting techniques, the result of the continuous development of the experience of our Umami Honduras group. All this is really something unique and not easily repeatable. Also exclusive and not easily repeatable with a pod are the sensations one gets from tasting our El Mirador. The low caffeine content makes it a coffee suitable for all times of the day. It is, then, particularly suitable to drink during a pleasant conversation among friends flanked by artisanal almond paste pastries.

Last October 8, 2020, Morola El Mirador was also awarded the 2020 Gold Medal by the International Institute of Coffee Tasters (IIAC) for the D category of single-serve pods. All the more reason to taste it!


Contents: Arabica from the Umami Honduras plantation located in the Coban ward at an altitude of 1,300 meters. A selection of Catuai, Typica, Bourbon, Obata, Ihcafe90, processed using the semi-processed technique with natural drying in greenhouses in the sun.

Format: single 7.5 g filter paper in a food-grade pouch (triple laminated) sealed with nitrogen to allow the blend to best preserve all organoleptic characteristics, with a shelf life of two years from the production date indicated on the wafer. Available in packs of 50 pods. Different size packages are available upon request.

Usage: Espresso machines with filter paper pods with 44mm standard. We recommend the use of the Alise or Vale. In these machines, in fact, you will be able to notice the special characteristic of the el Mirador pod to deliver a pleasant crema from the very first drop to the last. In case of emergency you can also use them with the Morola pods Moka.

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